
What is Big O ?

Spring Datafication 2022. 8. 24. 21:03

Roger's Head: Big O! Big O! Big O! Big O! Big O! Big O! Big O! Big O! Big O! Big O! ... ... ...

Big O notation is a simplified analysis on an algorithm's performance as the input
size changes.

A better quick cheat on what the complexity on some algorithms can be referred
from BigO Cheat Sheet .

Type of Complexity

  • Time
  • Space

O(1) Constant Time

In simple terms: As the input size changes, the run time doesn't change.

Real world Examples

  • O(1) - determining if a number is odd or even
  • arithmetic operations

O(n) Linear Time

As input Increase, the runtime also increases.

Not found
N -> N: f(N) 

Real world Examples

  • O(N) - reading a book
  • for loops in search.(worse case)

O(log n) Logarithmic Time

This is the complexity achieved when the given operation is an exponent
of a given number. We divide the operation by the power of given input.


Real world Examples

  • O(log N) - finding a word in the dictionary (using binary search)

O(nlogn) Time Complexity

In Simple terms for each Linear operations (O(n) Linear Time) we have O(log n) Logarithmic Time.
consider log(base 2) 8.

Real world Examples

  • O(N log N) - sorting a deck of playing cards (using merge sort)

O(n^2) Time Complexity

The time given for an operation to finish is the
square of the input size.

Real world Examples

  • O(N^2) - checking if you have everything on your shopping list in your trolley

O(n!) n-factorial time

A factorial of a n is the product of numbers from 1 up to that number.

Real world Examples

  • factorials
  • permutations
  • Hamiltonian path problem
  • Travelling salesman problem
  • Boolean satisfiability problem
  • N-puzzle
  • Knapsack problem
  • Subgraph isomorphism problem
  • Subset sum problem
  • Clique problem
  • Vertex cover problem
  • Independent set problem
  • Graph coloring problem

O(2^n) Exponential Time

The time complexity is equal to Math.pow(2,f(N)) operations.

Real world Examples

  • The n-Queens Problem


In all operations, Big O is considered for the worse case
of the operation completion.


Type Source
Images Google
Resource Youtube
Examples StackOverflow

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