
Merits of Code Reviews

Spring Datafication 2023. 8. 11. 18:27

Merits of Code Reviews

In the past days, I had the privilege of working on a php codebase after almost 3years and I must say, I was truly impressed by the code review process.


It prompted me to share my insights on the merits of code review and the invaluable lessons I gleaned from this collaborative endeavor. However, it's crucial to recognize the potential downsides of not having proper code reviews in place, particularly for beginners and the overall health of a company.

The Upsides: Improving Code Quality

Code review is an exceptional approach to enhance code quality. It's not just about elevating the quality of the codebase, but it has a significant impact on the quality of the team and even the quality of the entire company. This process is particularly enlightening for beginners, as it provides a professional perspective on how things should be done and encourages reimagining better practices.


The Downsides: Potential Challenges for Beginners

For beginners, the absence of code reviews can be detrimental. Without reviews, they miss out on crucial opportunities to learn from experienced developers. Learning by trial and error, without the guidance of more seasoned colleagues, can lead to misconceptions and bad habits that hinder their growth as developers.

Code reviews not only catch errors but also introduce beginners to best practices, helping them accelerate their professional journey.

The Impact on the Company

On a larger scale, a company that neglects proper code reviews risks accumulating technical debt, where code becomes increasingly complex and difficult to maintain. This can slow down development, lead to more bugs, and increase the chances of security vulnerabilities. Without the checks and balances provided by code reviews, the quality of the company's codebase may deteriorate over time, impacting the efficiency, reliability, and competitiveness of the organization.

Maintaining a Healthy Codebase

Despite the potential challenges, code reviews provide an excellent avenue to spot and rectify errors, ultimately improving code quality. It's an opportunity to catch logic errors, handle tricky edge cases, address data flow discrepancies, tackle performance bottlenecks, plug security vulnerabilities, and enforce consistent code style. The simplest issues to catch and correct are code style issues, and these can be conveniently automated using tools known as linters. These tools, some tailored for specific languages and others agnostic, play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy codebase.

Ensuring thorough testing is carried out is a critical aspect of maintaining a healthy codebase. Testing is the perfect approach to catch not just logic errors, but also those elusive edge cases, tricky data flow problems, and even pesky performance issues.

Development as Personal Growth

Engaging in development serves as a wonderful avenue for personal growth. It applies to developers at all levels, as there's always something new to learn and room for continuous improvement. While it's easy to find ways to make things work, the real learning happens when your code is reviewed.

This is especially crucial for novices, who gain valuable insights from experienced developers. Interestingly, experienced developers also benefit from beginners, who often pose questions that challenge even the most seasoned professionals. This interaction creates a dynamic learning environment, fostering not just technical growth but personal growth as well.

Experienced Developers Mentoring Beginners

Dedicating time as an experienced developer to mentor beginners is not only beneficial for the mentees but is also a profoundly rewarding experience for the mentor. This act of sharing knowledge, explaining complex concepts, and addressing the queries of newcomers contributes significantly to personal growth, creating a strong sense of camaraderie within the development community.

In conclusion, code reviews are a cornerstone practice for any development team. They substantially enhance code quality, maintain a robust codebase, and foster the growth of individuals within the team. Embracing this practice doesn't just lead to better code but also cultivates a supportive, collaborative environment that enriches everyone involved while acknowledging the potential pitfalls of neglecting this vital aspect.

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